No, you are not looking at ads for Calabasas Motor Cars or Bob Smith BMW. These cars are driven by teenagers at Calabasas High. This is the parking lot of the school taken on an average day, not a "Drive Your Parents Car to School Day". We noticed BMW's, Mercedes, Range Rovers, Lexus and plethora of Audi's. Sure there were the standard Jettas, VW Beetles and Mustangs, which are typical teenage cars, but we are perplexed by parents who feel comfortable buying their 16 year old a . a car worth more than the average tution of most colleges.
The other odd thing noted was the lack of clunkers. No beat up AMC Pacers or last leg Buick Regals with primer spots. Meanwhile in the teacher parking lot, we noticed a lot more Toyota's, Hondas and Mini-Vans.
Click hereto see what we think kids should be driving to school.
They'll never know the joy of buying their first new Honda or Toyota and working their way up to their first luxury vehicle. Hate to sound snobbish, but this is nouveau riche syndrome; people who get rich quick and don't know how to handle money responsibly. How about setting up a trust fund, giving to charity or helping to teach our kids how to save. The hierachy in this society is based on financial wealth and in order to be acknowledged by your peers, your wealth needs to be physically demonstrated. What you see in the CHS parking lot is an embarrasment to us all. As parents we need to support each other and know that it's ok to say "no" even when the money is in our pocketbooks.
Um, don't they have schoolbuses in Calabasas? And if they do, are these children too precious for such transport?
yes there are buses that run out of all Las Virgenes Schools through Durham Transportation. But at the high school they are about as visible as a Calabasas Mom's botox ridden crows feet.
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