Join us as we journey through the city of Calabasas, a southern California enclave nestled in the Santa Monica moutains. It's not just the location that makes this place special, it's the people. From the famous to the infamous, from the fabulous to the ordinary and everyone in between. We go beyond the gated enclaves and the luxury sports cars of our city and look at state, national and global items of interest. Join us and enjoy. Make the Calabasas Chronicle your internet home.
Monday, October 13, 2008
If It Walks Like a Duck....?

Brown Lawn Sends Man to Jail

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Now It All Makes Sense, Hef Likes Em Trashy

Again, their parents must be proud.!
ACORN is a Scary Little Group
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Can Hugh Hefner Just Die Already?

These two twins (Kewpie and Kreepy or something like that)must have some mighty proud parents. Good job folks!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
This is Dangerous Ground

Democrats like to accuse Republicans of speaking in code. I had a very liberal Bay Area, Prius driving, Obama supporter tell me that when Palin accepted the Republican VP spot at the convention, her acceptance speech was filled with overt religious codes, such as wanting to be of 'service' and " a servant'. I guess in some circles this is crazy Born Again religious fanatic speak, not politician trying to looking humble speak.
I made the mistake of reading the Huffington Post after Palin's acceptance speech at the RNC. Unbeknown to most of the planet Palin made a comment that thoroughly offended Robert Kennedy Jr. Kennedy was lamenting that Palin quoted an "avowed racist" who besides being a horrible person had wished his father Robert Kennedy, dead. Westbrook Peglar commented that we grow great people in small towns, and Palin echoed that in her speech.
It must mean Palin is a racist and hater of Kennedy's to boot.
It can't mean that a lot of people believe we grow good people in small towns.
So, the problem becomes, any criticism of Obama has the potential to turn into accusations of racism. I am afraid we will have a lot more of this is Obama becomes President.
My hope however is people don't stop calling Obama on his stuff despite, wacko Congressmen with a chip on his shoulder. Did I just say that? Yes, call me what you will, I prefer free speech over politically correct speech any day.
McCain Just Can't Compete
Then there is McCain who is starting to look smaller and smaller and more like a hobbit by the day. His arms, which I know are permanently injured are like little stubs, Standing next to his sexy blonde wife, he's even more weird looking, while Barack and Michelle are a match.
I don't know how McCain is going to overcome the inate sexiness and cool that is Barack Obama. Especially in a society that reveres style over substance. It's been said that in 1960 during the Kennedy, Nixon debate, people who watched the showdown on television, thought Kennedy won, those who listened on radio, thought Nixon won.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Thomas Sowel Nails It

Anywho, the reporter ended the segment by reminding viewers the Barack Obama was only eight years old when Ayers committed the bombings. We were livid! How dumb does the reporter think people are? Wait, don't answer that. We feel stupid stating the obvious, but who has accused Barack Obama of running around bombing peolple at eight years old or even present day for the matter? NO ONE!
But the media is so superficial it makes me cry. Here is a thought Mr. Cub Reporter on KCAL 9? He is associating with someone who is a home grown terrorist and worse, he says he had know idea. So, Obama is either stupid or a liar. At best he's a bad judge of charachter. What if he hung out with Timothy McVeigh on occassion? He's till hanging with a terrorist. Something most normal people don't do. Yeah, call me a racists for calling Obama stupid. I am done acting like it's okay.
Please read Thomas Sowell's wonderful piece about the facts and the distortion of. Do Facts Matter?
How is This Possible?

I love this picture because I can imagine being the woman sitting in the horse drawn carriage minding my own business and seeing this 'vision'. My ills would be cured and my life would be complete!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Art in Our Kids School

Art by Peter Lee, Van Nuys High School
Arts In Education Council, is one of the finest non profits around and is located right here in the valley. Founder and director, Spike Dolomite Ward, is a mom and artist who wanted better access to children from all across the economic spectrum in the valley to being exposed to art and music in the public schools. We have watched AIEC grow into a one stop resource for educators, parents, kids and artists.
Check out the website for all the latest information, ways you can assist and art by kids. ARTS IN EDUCATION COUNCIL
Mandatory Water Rationing...Even at the Oaks?

O'Reilly Goes Postal On Barney
"Not Facing Any Kind of Financial Crisis" So,CALM DOWN You Mean Republicans!
“These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis, the more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.” Barney Frank in response to the Bush administration overhaul plan.
Senator Obama has also been a recipient of campaign donations from Fannie and Freddie according to the LA TIMES, However a campaign aid said the donations did not influence Obama in any way. Okay, if you say so Mr. Campaign Aid.
So, when Bush tried to overhaul the system to tighten up the regulations, according to this New York Times article, Obama's friends at Freddie and Fannie didn't expect anything in return. No, they all just wanted to make sure that folks got affordable housing.
Why John McCain is not shouting this from the rooftops just goes to show you, one party is corrupt and the other party is stupid.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Laws Don't Set You Free

Ms. Townley hits the nail on the head describing the future of Calabasas as 'one big HOA'. We are waiting for the ban on leaf blowers and washing your car in public. Next stop, Big Brotherville USA! Can't wait.
CHS Football Back to Normal

We Keep Forgetting We Have a Blog

Friday, January 11, 2008
Kerry Endorses Obama, Hilary says "thanks!"
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Low Income Housing? Is Agoura Too Good For It?
My goodness, I wonder what Lhana would think of us as our parents were defiantly 'working class'. A cop and a waitress to be exact. A cop and a waitress today would not be able to afford Agoura, Calabasas, Westlake and that is a shame. This sort of elitist mentality forgest the problems that plague communities like ours. It's called affluenza and it has a whole range of issues that we have discussed on previous posts.
Instead of fighting what might actually be something that adds to a community like Agoura, we should be paying attention to what is going on in Santa Monica. Read more by clicking the link below. Low Income Housing Done Right
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Oprah, Obama and Hollywood
We'll see in the long run. It looks like Hillary's tears helped her in New Hampshire. You go girl!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Hil Gets Real!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Back from the Dead
We start the year with the most compelling news of the day. The 2008 election? No. The war in Iraq? Nah, the Writers Strike? nope.
The most compelling news of the day is the complete and utter breakdown of Britney Spears. C'mon, everyone is talking about it. The woman has not only taken a long break from reality, but we are witnesses every moment of it, thanks to the paparazzi, celebrity blogs and T.V. shows like TMZ.
Amazingly sad, but completely mesmerizing, this story is not about to go away anytime soon.
According to my favorite Mean Guy, Perezhilton.com, Brit was seen Saturday night in Palm Springs, buying booze like a sorority sister with a Saturday night party to cater.
We think a poll is in order. Is this woman suffering from 1.substance abuse 2.post partum depression 3.bi-polar disorder 4.child celebrity syndrome 5.none of the above, who knows what her problem is and honestly, there is an election going on. Let's get real here.