Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Thomas Sowel Nails It

We have been amazed as most conservatives by the media bias this elections cycle. It was obvious to anyone who supported Hillary Clinton and now it is obvious to anyone supporting John McCain. The media is deliberatly misleading and distorting, It's quite frustrating. The other night we had on KCAL 9 News. We weren't really watching as TV News is about as deep as a small bucket of water. Weonly heard the reporter. He was talking about Sarah Palin's attack on Obamas 'relationship' with William Ayers, who is a old 60's radical hippie who should be living in a trailer somewhere, but for some reason he is revered as a professor of some over priced university in Chicago.

Anywho, the reporter ended the segment by reminding viewers the Barack Obama was only eight years old when Ayers committed the bombings. We were livid! How dumb does the reporter think people are? Wait, don't answer that. We feel stupid stating the obvious, but who has accused Barack Obama of running around bombing peolple at eight years old or even present day for the matter? NO ONE!

But the media is so superficial it makes me cry. Here is a thought Mr. Cub Reporter on KCAL 9? He is associating with someone who is a home grown terrorist and worse, he says he had know idea. So, Obama is either stupid or a liar. At best he's a bad judge of charachter. What if he hung out with Timothy McVeigh on occassion? He's till hanging with a terrorist. Something most normal people don't do. Yeah, call me a racists for calling Obama stupid. I am done acting like it's okay.

Please read Thomas Sowell's wonderful piece about the facts and the distortion of. Do Facts Matter?

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