Democrats like to accuse Republicans of speaking in code. I had a very liberal Bay Area, Prius driving, Obama supporter tell me that when Palin accepted the Republican VP spot at the convention, her acceptance speech was filled with overt religious codes, such as wanting to be of 'service' and " a servant'. I guess in some circles this is crazy Born Again religious fanatic speak, not politician trying to looking humble speak.
I made the mistake of reading the Huffington Post after Palin's acceptance speech at the RNC. Unbeknown to most of the planet Palin made a comment that thoroughly offended Robert Kennedy Jr. Kennedy was lamenting that Palin quoted an "avowed racist" who besides being a horrible person had wished his father Robert Kennedy, dead. Westbrook Peglar commented that we grow great people in small towns, and Palin echoed that in her speech.
It must mean Palin is a racist and hater of Kennedy's to boot.
It can't mean that a lot of people believe we grow good people in small towns.
So, the problem becomes, any criticism of Obama has the potential to turn into accusations of racism. I am afraid we will have a lot more of this is Obama becomes President.
My hope however is people don't stop calling Obama on his stuff despite, wacko Congressmen with a chip on his shoulder. Did I just say that? Yes, call me what you will, I prefer free speech over politically correct speech any day.
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