Friday, February 10, 2006

10% of all 10 year Old Boys on ADHD Meds

Not only are they now discovering side effects and that these drugs are oversubscribed, but just check out the profits Novartis makes from the sale of Ritalin.

Novartis Profits

Sales of drugs for treating ADHD rose to $3.62 billion last year, from $3.1 billion in 2004, according to figures from IMS Health Inc.

``There's been increasing use of the drugs by both adults and children,'' said Mosholder, a medical officer in the FDA's division of drug-risk evaluation.

The stimulant drugs include amphetamine, sold as Adderall; and methylphenidate, which has been used for more than 50 years and is sold as Ritalin and in generic versions. Other drugs of the types under review include Johnson & Johnson's Concerta, Novartis's Focalin, and Mallinckrodt Inc. and Alliant Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s Methylin.

Check outThe Los Angeles Times Story written by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar dated 2.6.06.

Warning Urged for ADHD Drugs> WASHINGTON-An FDA panel cites heart risks in its advisory on Ritalin and similar medications.

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